I recently downloaded the vimcolor plugin for wordpress so my code samples could look nice and spiffy, with the syntax highlighting I am accustomed to seeing.
There were of course a few problems. The most notable was some path problems. It was trying to use these values:
< ?php
$in_file = tempnam($GLOBALS['conf']['file_directory_temp'], 'pl');
$out_file = tempnam($GLOBALS['conf']['file_directory_temp'], 'htm');
I never saw any of these set in any of the configuration files for wordpress, so I just hardcoded in some values that I wanted
There were two other things that I fixed
- In order to highlight code, one merely has to put the code in a code block, and set the style, something like this:
< code type="php">some code here< /code >;
The problem was that the plugin was specifically looking for type=”[a-z]+”, with the quotation marks as part of the regular expression. I like to use single quotes (don’t have to press the shift key), and this is legal html. So I changed that to allow both single and double quotes, using type=(\’|”)[a-z]+(\’|”) - The other thing I changed was actually just css. The author, whom I tried to track down, but could not, mentioned that he would like a horizonatal scroll bar to appear automatically. This is simply down with the CSS rule overflow:auto;
I hope you enjoy the syntax highlighting as much as I do.